
Last Update : [23 August, 2023]

Your Customized Program

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Full Program

Please note that all times listed in the program are considered as CEST / GMT +2 / Copenhagen Time.
There is an analog clock in the upper-right corner that shows the current time in Copenhagen.

08:00 - 09:15
Registration / Breakfast

09:15 - 09:30
Welcome Ceremony
Weizhi Meng

09:30 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00
Morning Tea Break

11:00 - 12:00

Jiachen Shen

Secure and Efficient Federated Learning by Combining Homomorphic Encryption and Gradient Pruning in Speech Emotion Recognition
Samaneh Mohammadi

FedLS: An Anti-poisoning Attack Mechanism for Federated Network Intrusion Detection Systems yusing Autoencoder-based Latent Space Representations
Tran Duc Luong

Mitigating Sybil Attacks in Federated Learning
Ahmed Emad Samy

Zheng Yan

Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for 5G Cloud-Fog Hybrid with Soft Biometrics
Yulong Fu

Obfuscation padding schemes that minimize Renyi min-entropy for Privacy
Cezara Petrui

Cross-Border Data Security from the Perspective of Risk Assessment
Yuqing Zhang

12:00 - 14:00

15:00 - 15:30
Afternoon Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30

Jiaxuan Wu

IoT-REX: A Secure Remote-Control System for IoT Devices from Centralized Multi-Designated Verifier Signatures
Yohei Watanabe

CVAR-FL IoV Intrusion Detection Framework
Xinyu Rao

Transparent Security Method for Automating IoT Security Assessments
Rauli Kaksonen

Kwan Yin Chan

DIDO: Data Provenance from Restricted TLS 1.3 Websites
Kwan Yin Chan

QR-SACP: Quantitative Risk-based Situational Awareness Calculation and Projection through Threat Information Sharing
Mahdieh Safarzadehvahed

Dynamic Trust Boundary Identification for the Secure Communications of the Entities via 6G
Rabeya Basri

16:30 - 17:30
Social Event

18:00 -
Le Dîner de Gala

08:00 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:30

Loui Al Sardy

RTR-Shield: Early Detection of Ransomeware using Registry and Trap Files
Mohan Anand Putrevu

MalXCap: A Method for Malware Capability Extraction
Bikash Saha

Multimodal Software Defect Severity Prediction Based on Sentiment Probability
Yuqing Zhang

Thomas Prantl

Recovering Multi-Prime RSA Keys with Erasures and Errors
Yuejun Liu

Performance Impact Analysis of Homomophic Encryption: A Case Study Using Linear Regression as an Example
Thomas Prantl

Chosen Ciphertext Security for Blind Identity-Based Encryption with Certified Identities.
Sohto Chiku

10:30 - 11:00
Morning Tea Break

11:00 - 12:00

Yoshifumi Manabe

A New Gadget Decomposition Algorithm with Less Noise Growth in HE schemes
Chao Liu

Malicious Player Card-based Cryptographic Protocols with a Standard Deck of Cards Using Private Operations
Yoshifumi Manabe

Cryptanalysis of Human Identification Protocol with Human-Computable Passwords
Maciej Grzeskowiak

Xiaofu Chen

A Source Hiding Protocol for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS)
Łukasz Krzywiecki

A revocable Outsourced Data Accessing Control Scheme with Black-Box Traceability
Yuchen Yin

LocKey: Location-based Key Extraction from the WiFi Environment in the User's Vicinity
Philipp Jakubeit

12:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:00

Loui Al Sardy

BAHS: Blockchain-Aided Hash-Based Signature Scheme
Yalan Wang

Lever: Making Intensive Validation Practical on Blockchain
Mingming Wang

Tikuna: An Ethereum Blockchain Network Security Monitoring System
Andres Gomez Ramirez

Mathieu De Goyon

Isogeny-based Multi-Signature Scheme.
Mathieu De Goyon

Security Analysis of WAGE against Division Property based Cube Attack
Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury

When MPC in the Head meets VC
Li Liu

15:00 - 15:30
Afternoon Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30

Erik Falk

Quantum Key Distribution as a Service and Its Injection into TLS
Sergejs Kozlovičs

XFedGraph-Hunter: An Interpretable Federatted Learning Framework for Hunting Advanced Persistent Threat in Provenance Graph
Son Ngo Duc Hoang

XSS attack detection by attention mechanism based on script tags in URLs
Mamoru Mimura

Wayne Chiu

Mining for Better: An Energy-Recycling Consensus Algorithm to Enhance Stability with Deep Learning
Jiachen Shen

SIOCEN: Secure Integrity Verification of Outsourced Data in Bloud Storage using Blockchain.
Sanjeet Kumar Nayak

16:30 - 17:00
Closing Ceremony
Weizhi Meng

DTU Kantinen (DTU Canteen)

In DTU Canteen, you can get a hot meal, sandwiches, salads and others. Open from 11:00 to 14:00.
The Café is located next to the main canteen and serves breakfast, lunch and diner. Open from 7:30 tp 8:30.

Brede Værk Garden

Get up close to 250 years of industrial architecture with factory buildings, workers' homes and master's homes, and get an impression of the small community. The river Mølleåen is dammed and the course of the water can be flowed beneath the buildings.

Brede Park

Brede Høker & Forsamlingshus

The charming restaurant itself is located in Brede Værk's old building, dating back to 1893. A historic location for Danish industry, over the centuries the buildings have produced grain, gunpowder, copper and textiles. And now, exquisite cuisine.
The Høker (Høkeren) is a combined grocery store, cafe and community center. Throughout the year, Brede Høker organizes lots of events such as flea markets, concerts in Slusegården, Mardi Gras, Halloween, Christmas parties and much more.

+45 53 73 92 23
I. C. Modewegs Vej 5, 40, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
Brede Station on Lokaltog Nærumbanen

Shuttle Bus from DTU

We have prepared shuttle bus from DTU Mødecenter to Brede Høker. If you like to catch the bus, please come to DTU Mødecenter. Time table will be released later.

If you like to utilize public transportation: Public Transportation in Denmark