
Last Update : [1 April, 2023]

Travel Guide  /  Entering Denmark

Entry Visa

Denmark has issued many visa-free protocols with approximately 90 countries and regions around the world. If you are an EU/EEA citizen or resident, you might not have to worry about Visa issues when entering Denmark. However, we highly suggest you to consult with your local foreign affairs officials or travel agencies if you are not an EU/EEA citizen or resident. If you need materials for granting a visa to enter Denmark, please contact us.

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COVID-19 Information

General COVID-19 restrictions are no longer applied in Denmark. However, you might encounter several occations that require PPEs, such as some airlines.
Furthermore, Denmark no longer offers public COVID-19 tests. If you need a test to head back, you have to purchase and book an appointment with private test centers. Here are some of the private facilities that still offer COVID-19 tests.

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